Weight loss pen: is it sure to make you lose weight or is it a lie?

- Obesity can lead to various diseases in the future. Such as diabetes, high blood fat, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease. Increase the risk of cancer in the future.
- In addition to diet control, exercise, and lifestyle adjustments, diet pills are another popular approach for those. Who don’t have time to exercise. However, the negative effects are that they cause rapid heartbeat, insomnia, anxiety, hallucinations, drug addiction, and relapse.
- There is now another alternative: a subcutaneous weight loss pen. When used in conjunction with diet and exercise. It has found to reduce weight by more than 10% or at least 5% in the test group, The waist circumference of the test subjects decreased by 8.2 centimeters in the first 2 months.
Obesity is undesirable for many people, especially women. Because if you are too fat, it can ruin your personality, cause you to lack confidence. Some people สมัคร ufabet may get depress. Therefore, obese people try to find various methods such as taking weight loss courses, body toning, injections to dissolve excess fat, liposuction, surgery to reduce the size the belly and waist, gastric bypass surgery. Taking various weight loss drugs such as brain hunger suppressants, drugs that inhibit the enzyme that digests fat, etc.
What is consider “fat”?
“Obesity” or “obesity” can determine by looking at the body mass index (BMI). Which is calculate from your weight and height
“Being overweight” increases the risk of death.
People who overweight will have more adipose tissue throughout their bodies. Infiltrate their internal organs, causing various systems to malfunction, leading to diseases such as:
- Type 2 Diabetes, due to chronic inflammation from fat cells, interferes with the function of the hormone insulin (Insulin) produced by the pancreas (controls blood sugar levels in the body), resulting in insulin resistance, high levels of insulin in the blood, which inhibits the breakdown of fat, causing fat to accumulate more and more, the belly to grow bigger, and the danger in the future is diabetes and obesity.
- Dyslipidemia: With abnormal lipids in obesity, the levels of triglycerides, free fatty acids, and ApoB increase, which causes inflammation of blood vessels, leading to cardiovascular disease later on.
- Heart and blood vessel disease: When there is high blood sugar or high blood fat, the blood vessels become inflamed or clogged. The flexibility of the blood vessels is lost, resulting in high blood pressure, the heart working harder to pump blood, the heart beats faster. Increasing the risk of death from ischemic heart disease and cerebral infarction or rupture.
- Chronic obesity is cause by excess fat cells stimulating the body to produce a type of inflammatory chemical, C-RP ( C-Reactive Protein ). This C-RP binds to the hormone “leptin”, which is a hormone that tells us we are full. It forms a large C-RP Leptin Complex that cannot pass through the brain membrane, causing resistance to the hormone “leptin”.
If there are too many accumulate fat cells, the hormone leptin (Leptin) or the hormone of fullness will be produced even more until the body becomes more resistant to “leptin”. This makes us eat more and feel full with difficulty. - Cancer: It is found that approximately 25-30% of colon, breast (menopausal), endometrial, kidney and esophageal cancers cause by obesity and lack of exercise. Losing just 5-10% of your original weight can improve your health.
It can said. That obesity is the cause of various diseases such as diabetes. high blood fat, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and increases the risk of cancer in the future.